Kill team journey begins

Christmas 2021 and I bought my son a giant box of GW figures. It was called an Indomitus set, came with rules, terrain, figures and stuff to play 40K. I helped him paint up the robots and marines and I started to enjoy myself. I've been buying GW stuff since I was at school, was back in the early 80's. I started to get the stirrings of "the hobby" starting again. I have a pal in Brighton who told me about a GW game called Kill Team a few year ago. I decided to try my hands at it. I got excited and built some terrain and played a few games. I found it a bit dull and long winded. Then I heard there was a new version of the game, released in 2022. I got it and it was so much better, like it had been thought out from the ground level as a skirmish game rather than a little version of a big battle game. I bought another giant box of GW stuff and went for it. It totally captured my imagination and I decided to dive in. My plastic planes got left to gather dust and now I ha...