Underworlds. The Kunnin' Krew

I've been a fan of Underworlds since the first Shadespire box and have had some fun nights playing the first couple of boxes I've picked up a few boxes since and never really got back into it, I think cos the card pile got so massive and I hab no idea what to do with it. Then recently GW popped out a new box with an updated set of rules and cards. They are still running the Rivals system where you use cards from only one deck and a slightly more complex Nemesis version where you have to buy two decks and mingle them up to create a hybrid. Anyhow this new edition kicked off a bit of a resurgence in interest at my local cafe. So we got back into it. I am absolutely stoked that all the old figures are now available again and I can avoid the hideous OOP eBay mark ups. The warband box format is four grouped teams. We decided to split a box and I wanted the Kunnin' Krew as I love the krule boy look. I painted them as the box art so nothing cool in terms of colour choices. Here ...