
Underworlds. The Kunnin' Krew

I've been a fan of Underworlds since the first Shadespire box and have had some fun nights playing the first couple of boxes  I've picked up a few boxes since and never really got back into it, I think cos the card pile got so massive and I hab no idea what to do with it. Then recently GW popped out a new box with an updated set of rules and cards. They are still running the Rivals system where you use cards from only one deck and a slightly more complex Nemesis version where you have to buy two decks and mingle them up to create a hybrid. Anyhow this new edition kicked off a bit of a resurgence in interest at my local cafe. So we got back into it.  I am absolutely stoked that all the old figures are now available again and I can avoid the hideous OOP eBay mark ups. The warband box format is four grouped teams. We decided to split a box and I wanted the Kunnin' Krew as I love the krule boy look. I painted them as the box art so nothing cool in terms of colour choices. Here ...

TLW The Loyal

There's a bunch of dudes in the last war that are described as The Loyal. These are soldiers that do not accept that the war has ended. They fight on, against anyone who crosses their path, fuelled by the aggro, sustained by the hate.  I'm not sure about the timescale for TLW, the aesthetics are WWI, but this thing could have been going on for years and years. My ideas for the LoYal were to have modern SAS style figures with WWI style helmets and Napoleonic style big back packs. I wanted to meld time, forward backwards and sideways. The LoYal are pulling energy from eternal conflict. Here they are, 3d prints from somewhere.

TLW ambulance hut

This is a dual purpose bit of scenery. It can be used as a hut, of placed on the back of one of the truck bodies. It's made from mounting board and balsa wood. I used a bit of packaging for the window.

More trench maggots

Apparently you need four trench maggots for the published scenarios in TLW. So I made a couple more. Slightly different style to the first two. A bit of a head and legs. Once again I used Das for the body and green stuff for the legs.

The Last War, a Pathetic

 More TLW monsters, this time a Pathetic. Made from air drying clay with milliput legs. I tried to capture the artwork as well as I could. I've now realised I need three more, so I'm back to squishing clay.

The Last War, Trench maggots

I'm putting a bit of effort into Last War as we prepare to move house. I'm really itching to do a trench board as soon as we move in.  There's a big list of trenchy ghoulies in Last War, one of my favourite has to be the hideous and bloated trench maggots. I made a couple up from a lump of Das that was left over from Christmas craft frolics. I just rolled a sausage and added some segments, then pulled one end apart with a cocktail stick. Then painted and added a few bristles. These monsters are ready to wobble into action very soon.  

The Last War supply trucks

In the Last war universe the war never stopped. It continued until there was no one left to fight. Almost no one. Crawling out from the muddy wreckage were skulking skivers, raggedy vagrants and citizens of the murk. The fog shrouded, filthy fields of death yield up rusty and rotting treasures. You little band of miscreants searches forlornly for loot and tries desperately to avoid the horrors that lurk in the choking miasma. These two wagons are 3d printed Daimler trucks from 1915 or thereabouts. I'm thinking of converting one into a field hospital or ambulance. I'm being sucked into the hell hole that is last war, only my impending house move is preventing me from diving head first into the trenches.