2021 begins with goals?

Hello there 2021, this year I will set my self some goals for my hobbies. I'll also be randomly grabbing new hobbies to take part in and listing those as they come and go, like UK snowflakes on a warm January pavement. Writing this crap has me wondering what are my hobbies? Yeah, what are they? Who the heck cares? I don't. I guess I do or this little blog would not be here, would it? Here I am asking the internet questions. Rhetorical ones, no one is likely to answer, this is not a montage sequence from a goofy 2010's film where I realise I have a single blog viewer and then I go to bed and wake to a comment and then two and one's my mum. I then rush to work, spilling my coffee and when I get home my mailbox is full and I'm booked on the today program and the phones ringing and everyone wants to publish my new book... It's not like that. So hobbies, why stick em up here for the entire world to see? Another pointless internet question. Hobby 1 - toy soldiers, spl...