2021 begins with goals?

Hello there 2021, this year I will set my self some goals for my hobbies. I'll also be randomly grabbing new hobbies to take part in and listing those as they come and go, like UK snowflakes on a warm January pavement.

Writing this crap has me wondering what are my hobbies?

Yeah, what are they?

Who the heck cares?

I don't. I guess I do or this little blog would not be here, would it? Here I am asking the internet questions. Rhetorical ones, no one is likely to answer, this is not a montage sequence from a goofy 2010's film where I realise I have a single blog viewer and then I go to bed and wake to a comment and then two and one's my mum. I then rush to work, spilling my coffee and when I get home my mailbox is full and I'm booked on the today program and the phones ringing and everyone wants to publish my new book...

It's not like that.

So hobbies, why stick em up here for the entire world to see?

Another pointless internet question.

Hobby 1 - toy soldiers, split in to many sub hobbies. Ancients wargaming, Warhammer 40k Kill team, a bit of shadespire or is that a board game?

Hobby 2 - boardgaming, or the art of convincing someone else to play with me, or others. In the days before lockdown a formal games night was easy to organise, people turned up and played and got drunk. Some were sick in my bath, others just went home.

Hobby 3 - Making indoor duration flying models - Complicated and obscure title and a complicated and obscure hobby completely screwed over by the lockdown. Essentially hi tech balsa wood planes made very light - 300mg and powered by an elastic band.

Hobby 4 - Kites, making them and flying them. I love kites and have done for years. Recently I discovered there are things called Open Source Kites where the designs are published on line for download. I intend to build a few.

Hobby 5 - Water colour painting - I'm starting out here, trying to paint with water colours so it looks like the picture is painted with water colours and not poster paints. It'll be a long journey of discovery.

Hobby 6 - Trendy VW campering - yeah I'm one of those dicks with a VW camper. But it just looks like a normal van. It's not an £80k collectors item or a £75k ultra modern swashwanger. It's a white van with a solar panel on the roof. There's some stuff right there about solar panels, batteries, chargers, pop tops etc. loads of it!

Hobby 7 - Making plastic model airplanes - I took this up again in lockdown after a break of about 30 years. I decided I wanted to limit myself from just buying a whole random room full of stuff, so I made a list of Japanese planes in WWII. Single seaters that had more than 1000 built. In 1/72nd scale. There were exactly 20, which is cool. I've made five, so I am 25% of the way to my goal. I had no time period for this goal and I added one, a Bf109e in Japanese colours, which is complete. And I bought a starter truck, which I need to ignore for a while. Maybe next year I can turn all of the planes in to little dioramas?

OK hobby goals.

Maybe tomorrow.


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