
Showing posts from July, 2022

Kill team 26 - The Veteran Guard!

Now we're talking. The Vet Guard. I know I say this about all the teams, but I really love the Vet Guards. I've not got around to painting up the Krieg that came in the Octarius box set, but I have made up two full rosters of alternatives.  Both team rosters required some minor conversions to get to a point where the figures looked like the specialists that they should be representing. My first team is from a non-GW manufacturer called Pig Iron. I know Pig Iron from the days when Simon Jackson used to turn up to the same trade shows as me. The company is in new  hands now, as is my old company, the figures are still available and I love the aesthetic. These figures are Kolony. As well as the full roster of Kolony I have a roster of old metal Valhallans. I bought these back in the day when they were first released as I was going to build a small 40K force. Then I watched a few games and decided not to. The advent of Kill team gave me an excuse to dig them out, dust them down an...

Kill team 14 - Compendium Greenskins (not painted)

 I made this team up from some old metal orks I've had for a loong time. This page is a bit of a place holder until I get the energy up to finish them off. 

Kill team 17 - Compendium Thousand Sons (now Warp Coven)

I was given these as a gift last Christmas. I wasn't much of a fan of the imagery, but since starting to paint them I now have an appreciation for a colour scheme with basically two colours in it! I slapped this heavy weapons guy together in one evening session. I converted a couple of the marines to sorcerers using some bits and I also have a bunch of the beastmen things to paint. I'm sticking this page up as a place holder for bought not painted.

Kill team 20 - Compendium Drukhari

  These are a bit of a cheat, my son did most of the painting on these, I just finished them off. This is a hard hitting Compendium team, there are some nasty weapons available and the Wyches add a depth to melee that gets really nasty with Agile Gladiators. Painted in fetching combo of black and orange.

Kill team 13 - Harlequin Void dancers (not painted)

I absolutely adore the harlequins. I have had some since they first opped up in the eighties, the change in the list to Void dancers with a WD list allowed me to dust off my very old Death Jester and get him ready for action. The plastic harlequin miniatures really showcase how plastic can be used to create a fantasticly animated miniature, something that would be far too fragile in metal. These are taking me an age to paint because they need to have a decent paint job, they are the most elite of the elite of course. I have to admit the rules look far too complex for my brain, so the likelyhood of me running these in a competition is pretty low.

Kill team 12 - Compendium Ad Mech

 This was my sons first team, we bought the box for KT18 and it sort of fits for KT21 although it needs a few extras to fatten up the roster. The recent buff is welcome and I am expecting to get some of those cool Scicarians to fill out the edges. Painted in a mundane metal and red scheme these buys need some work to brighten them up and add the decals.  Pictures needed!

Kill team 25 - Compendium Hive fleet

Genestealers and warriors. I have never got around to doing the swarms of Gants and Gaunts as I don't like the models much, but if I see some on ebay or troll trader I'll grab them. Warriors come out to play! I've no idea what the best load out is for these, I got them off of ebay and I stripped and painted them. I don't use warriors, they are too big. Maybe I should but I love the purity and savage menace of the ten stealer team.

Kill team 24 - Compendium Kroot

 My all time favourites, I dunno why, they just look neat and there's a giant krootox thing. I painted these early on as I got them cheap on ebay. I did a basic green coat to get them done, then added afew nicer bits later, like the krootox and hounds. Then I made a few conversions with a couple of snipers on the desk at the moment using some of Felixs' 3D print legs. I played these a lot in tourneys and always lost, but I had some good games. I had some very duff games, but on the whole they were a lot of fun. I have only a few decent phots, these are next up for a few posed shots. Fresh from ebay and in to the IPA

Kill team 23 - Compendium T'au - Hunter Cadre

  The Compendium T'au team doesn't have all the tricks of the Pathfinder team, but it does have variety. Allowing in the Stealthsuits and the Fire Warriors. Add in stealth suit and Fire warrior pictures

Kill team 22 - Compendium Necrons

 The robots are marching... The classic metal robots from the future in GW style. Reanimating and plodding inexorably towards your death. A hard hitting team, if a little slow and lacking in sparkling ploys and tricks. Painted in a simple metal scheme for speed. I really love the flayed ones figures and I'm itching to try a team of ten one day.

Kill team 18 - Compendium Chaos Daemons

 Spilling forth from the gates of the warp, the demons. I dig the simplicity of this team, they are almost all melee focused with some neat tricks like Deaths Heads for the bargain price of 1EP and flaming skulls. They are also a riot of colour, the roster needs to be at least twice as big for the amount of options you get on this kill team. I loved painting these up, the pure functionality of the figures and the sheer fantastical element is really fun to bring to life.