Kill team 26 - The Veteran Guard!

Now we're talking. The Vet Guard. I know I say this about all the teams, but I really love the Vet Guards. I've not got around to painting up the Krieg that came in the Octarius box set, but I have made up two full rosters of alternatives. 

Both team rosters required some minor conversions to get to a point where the figures looked like the specialists that they should be representing.

My first team is from a non-GW manufacturer called Pig Iron. I know Pig Iron from the days when Simon Jackson used to turn up to the same trade shows as me. The company is in new  hands now, as is my old company, the figures are still available and I love the aesthetic. These figures are Kolony.

As well as the full roster of Kolony I have a roster of old metal Valhallans. I bought these back in the day when they were first released as I was going to build a small 40K force. Then I watched a few games and decided not to. The advent of Kill team gave me an excuse to dig them out, dust them down and finally get them painted ip. In classic Soviet colours with a few minor conversions to the specialists.

I also have been meddling with these wonderful Quar from Zombiesmith - they really fit the Vet guard but will need some serious chopping up to get the special weapons and operaties - the news that there might be plastic Quar coming soon will make this a go for me. Metal figures are lovely, but tough to convert.


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