Kill team 33 - Warp Coven (WD 469)

 Here I am trying to catch up on the bespoke teams. This is the Warp Coven, came out in the White Dwarf issue 469 and replaced the Compendium Thousands sons list. I'll probably not complete a full 20 man roster for this team, just stick with the basic cool options. I do have loads of tzaangors and a full box of marines, so it might happen one day.

The people who know suggest that a good list is three sorcerers, the chain cannon and a bunch of tzaangors, so that's where I'm headed to start.

I got given a box of marines for Christmas last year and I've used that to make my sorcerers. The box only comes with one, but with a few simple mods I made the three. I added some green stuff swirly bits, created a staff from a bit of brass rod, green stuff and some icon bits and then added a khopesh made from plasticard. 

They are painted in two colours really, I sprayed them gold, added a wash of a mix od sepia and brown and then added the blue bits. Some red on the gems, black on the handles of stuff, silver trim and guns and a bit of green liquid. I did written seals on one and left the other blue.

Here are the three sorcerers, the first of my Warp Coven...

And here they are with the mighty chain cannon...

Here are a few shots of the conversion work on the sorcerers.

I've added an Icon bearer and some Tzaangors to try and complete this team. I still need more though.


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