Cheap as chips Calnath terrain

 I didn't buy the Chalnath box when it came out as I only wanted the Novitiates. Since that decision I have bought the Pathfinders too and the Chalnath book and now I want the scenery. I should of got the box!

Anyhow, I didn't. The Pathfinders are painted, the Novitiates are painted. I thought about buying the scenery but it's quite a lot of money for ruins. So I decided to build it out of foam core because I had some and it's really cheap.

The first step was to measure it up, I asked people on the Whatsapp groups how big the bits were and marked them out on foam core. I made the the pillars from multiple layers and cut off the corners. Foam core is quarter inch, so 6.35mm thick. my pillars were four layers thick, the strips were 26mm wide. I stuck them together and then cut the corners off with a nice new scalpel blade, just by eye - I should of marked it out really.

When it was all cut up and stuck together I added thin card strips to represent the external features and window sils.

Making up the bigger bits, I've decided to make them as two pieces, as the kill team boards I've seen with CHalnath all seem to use the top section as an additional terrain feature.


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