Space marine intercession teams
The mighty Imperial Intercessors, in their massive primaris form.
I have built this team from the base of the Compendium Intercessors teams that I made prior to the specific Intercession squad pdf release. I'd made five marine assault and standard intercessors squads. I'd then added the sixth marine after the dataslate drop. What I had then was six Templar Intercessors and six Ultramarine Assault intercessors.
I started out using the blue guys and the black guys in combo, easy to see who was what. But there's a limit to the time these two chapters will work together, so I had to work on adding the other types to the teams. I've ended up with two almost complete teams, one Ultras and one Templars
The original six Intercessors.
Adding in the three new Assault intercessors
The Ultra marine Assault Intercessors with an additional Intercessor grenadier. Three more standard inters are on the painting table and will be recruited very soon.
These are a set of six Dark Angels I made for a Christmas gift. I went for a nice bright green to create some not quite as dark as normal Angels.
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