More daemons

 In a break from the normal, I'm adding these guys on their own post. I wanted to get a nice neat index of teams but I can't work out how to do it, so I'm going to try to do an update once a week on a Monday with Sundays pictures. I'm going to fluff that next week as I'm going snowboarding. But for now it's a plan. 

Here are my plaguebearers. They make up two fire teams as featured in the compendium. There's a bigger boss bloke a banner and a musician.

They are slow and tanky and work well with the fast and furious Pinks with a bit of shooting.

Some of these were on square bases so I snipped the sides off, sanded them down and stuck them to plastic discs. I didn't get a musician with my second hand demons, so I made one out of some plastic rod.

I now have the full eight team deamon kill team although it will never fit on a roster.

All my Demons!

Yeah I have square bases on my daemonettes, but they rarely get used.


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