Blooded - The Chirton Maggot Sludge Raiders
liked the look of the Blooded for a long time, traitor guard with all the
corruption and heresy that they bring.
But I wanted something dirtier, more grim, more dark than the offerings from the Evil Empire. While browsing for Warmaster houses on MMF I found Knucklebones minis. Wow, these creations have the sludge factor; dank, dirty, analogue, organic. I knew I had to have some. I joined the tribe and started to plan my team.
A full kill team roster needs 20 figures, so that's what I plan to make.
But I wanted something dirtier, more grim, more dark than the offerings from the Evil Empire. While browsing for Warmaster houses on MMF I found Knucklebones minis. Wow, these creations have the sludge factor; dank, dirty, analogue, organic. I knew I had to have some. I joined the tribe and started to plan my team.
A full kill team roster needs 20 figures, so that's what I plan to make.
Knucklebones has some decent figures to
base some simple conversions on. I'm going to use the modular melee troopers as
the main base prints, with mirrors to give me a selection of eight base bodies
and loads of arms. The Enfields will be my Lasguns (Lesguns) and there are
nasty melee weapons a plenty.
I've used the flamer as my base for heavy weapons, painting one straight up as a flamer.
I've used the flamer as my base for heavy weapons, painting one straight up as a flamer.
I'm also, building a plasma and
melta and I've not yet decided on the grenade launcher base figure.
The Trench club raider is a straight forward fit for the Thug.I mirrored him, added a bigger shield from plasticard and built a shotgun from more plasticard and sculpted an arm to hold it all together. Now I have a Trench Sweeper...
The rest will be revealed as I work out how to make them...
Cheiftain, Grenadier, Butcher, Commsman, corpseman, flenser, Enforcer and Ogryn, plus a handful of troopers...
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