A Blood Necropolis 28 Gathering

This is my first ever Necropolis28 Gathering, made from Knucklebones miniatures.

The gathering is aligned with the Blood theme and has a list that looks like this:

The Necrotic servants of the Cankerous Abyss


 Snith, 7th infected spawn of the Dirt

Traits: Chosen of the hand, Combatant, Filthy/Shrouded

Equipment: Blade 1h

Spells: Summon, Blood Whip, Tide of Vermin, Congealed Blast

Cost: 10


Familiar: Belcher Pothead, book mule.

Equipment: Claws/Fangs 2h

Cost: 45


Fell Guard One, the Aberrant Husk

Equipment: Polearm 2h, Shield

Cost: 120


Fell Guard two, the Aberrant Husk

Equipment: Polearm 2h, Shield

Cost: 120


Total: 295


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