Yet another Necropolis28 gathering - Bone

One more gathering, this time a blend of 1980's Citadel and modern 3D printed models. 

These guys are the Ossified defilers of the Glutinous Shade


Sharnach, weilder of the bone sword; Lich
Traits: Osseous Sacrifice, Stalwart, Filthy/Shrouded
Equipment: Blade 1h
Spells: Summon, Puppet, Wither, Blood Whip
Cost: 10
Cutter; Skeletal Husk
Equipment: Blade 1h
Cost: 60
Slicer: Skeletal Husk
Equipment: Blade 1h
Cost: 60
Bo : Skeletal Husk
Equipment: Bow 2h
Cost: 80
Harrow : Skeletal Husk
Equipment: Bow 2h
Cost: 80
Total: 290


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