Kill Team Terrain - Bheta Decima
Bheta Decima is the new Kill team terrain for season three, it comes in a box that took me ages to get hold of. I pre-ordered in December and got hold of a box in March, having cancelled my original order.
I like the look of the new terrain, a sea of nasty stuff and some platforms to jump around on. The plastic bits were pretty mould line free with minimal construction, I sprayed my stuff black and then I sprayed the legs and furness with grey in a rather lame attampt at a zenithal.
The legs I just washed with a sloppy wash I mixed up, kinda blacky brown, then added a few extra streaks and a bit of light grey dry brushing. I sprayed matt varnish on them all and then added some gloss medium at the bottom to prepresent it being wet.
The top got a sponging of deep red and then a lighter sponging of light red. Followed by further sponging of black and silver. I then touched up the recesses with some silver and then a dark brown wash in them.
To give it a bit of colour I added some red bits to the greay here and there and the skulls got a bit of white on them. I got a piece of clear packaging and drew around the white painted areas on the base board. I then cut these out and made a stencil, then sponged some white paint lightly over them to give a bit of interest.
This was a super quick paint up session, I had it done in one Sunday. I have played a couple of games so far and I really enjoyed them, I felt the experience was very different to GallowDark close quarters and Octarius and CHalnath open.
I found the quality of the base board to be a bit crap, mine delaminated and the corners bumped up, like it's really duff quality cardboard. I'd recommend sealing it up with watered down PVA before use, add a drip of washing up liquid to get it to soak in to the raw edges.
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