Forbidden Psalm terrain

I recently received a kickstarter I backed a while ago for a bundle of Forbidden Psalm rules and scenarios.

Forbidden Psalm is a skirmish game based on the independant success Mork Borg RPG. It was a warband of five dudes and a playing area of 2 foot square. I was really captured by the aesthetic and decided to jump straight in and get going.
The book comes with a campaign of 26 different scenarios and each one has a bunch of weird and wonderful monsters.

It also requires a long list of terrain features that looked fun to make. I'm doing standing stones, wells, goat farms, barns and a town called Dawnblight.
Here are the first couple of basic tenements for Dawnblight, the next building will be an inn...

No town is complete without an outhouse and some sinister animal cultists...


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