
Showing posts from August, 2024

Forbidden Psalm warband member 4 - Franc the stik

This is Franc the stik. Recruit number four in my warband. Mini from Knucklebones miniatures. He's got a big stick and he knows how to use it.

Sludge raiders new recruit

I know I said my sludge raiders were finished, but I could not resist the lure of a power sword armed chieftain. The chieftain is such a devastating power play operative. Him and the Butcher are the two sharp points of a very nasty melee punch.  The chieftain has the free ability Lead with strength that means when you activate him more than 6" from your drop zone and he has a blooded token, then he's counted as under the gaze of the gods. That's a free Crit every fight or shoot action. It's easy to get him over 6" away with a Move and a Dash.  I always stick my initial blooded token on the chieftain and I make sure he's shielded by a adjacent grunt so he's safe from shooting. The pre game stimm to give Relentless makes this dude a proper killer. There's no reason to put him on Engage in TP1 so keep him safe. TP2 starts and he's UTGOTG on activation, Moment of Repute will give him another AP so he can Shoot with the laspistol getting at least one fr...

Knucklebones zombies

 In forbidden Psalm there are a number of scenarios where lumbering undead are present. Ghouls, fecal ghouls, zombies, disembowled ghouls, etc. I decided to grab a bunch of STLs from a designer called Knucklebones on MMF. These are plague peasants and are particularly unpleasant. Vomit spews from rotting orrifices, things hang off and other things bubble up. Delightfuly disgusting evil NPCs to wander aimlessly towards the nearest nemminy. The minis were painted with various contrast paints and then matt varnished before some gloss was added to the pustulant bits. Sixteen of the billious blighters.

Necropolis28 - Crimson miasma event

 Another indie game I really enjoy is Necropolis 28, a game set in a world where everything is dead, even the plants. The game is described as diorama skirmish and is a mother lode of superb scenic modelling. A game takes place on a small board 16" square, the board should be a beautiful diorama setting that ghosts, skeletons and zombies scurry about collecting relics and treasure. They are controlled by infamous lich's who cast spells to punish enemies or raise the dead, again. I went to an event organised specifically for Necropolis 28 in July. It was taking place in a church hall in Stadhampton. A beautiful venue and very appropriate, being surrounded by a grave yard. The event was an absolute blast, we all had an incredible time. There were fantastic diorama boards in abundance, beautiful and awe inspiring models and hardly anyone really cared if they won or not. The event reminded me of the old time punk gigs, with some fabulous t shirt art, some fabulous actual art, free...

Forbidden Psalm - More buildings

I enjoyed building the houses for FP so I thought I'd make some more, there is an inn that you can visit between sc enarios to recover wounds and do some dodgy trades. It's called the Hogs head, which I discovered is some sort of Harry Potter reference. I wanted to make a nice inn, so I did. The cla ssic pub is on the corner, so that's what I based the building on, a corner pub. I also made a small shop which sells weapons; Forbes and Idden Arms. I made a small school type building and also a couple more generic houses. T hey look pretty neat on my paved area. The eagle eyed will notice I raised the pub sign later on to make it less likely to be walked in to. 

More Forbidden Psalm terrain - paved base

I'm a little bit gripped by Forbidden Psalm at the moment. I'm not sure what it is, it's a cute kind of skirmish game with a nice aesthetic and some cool scenarios and RPG type chatter. The idea of a warband of just five figures that adventure through a long list of scenarios to create a linear campaign is quite inviting. The characters develop on the way, gaining weapons and artifacts, wounds and injuries and possibly even dying. There's also a long list of potential foes, with weird stuff like wild pigs, corpse collectors, fecal ghouls and evil animal cultists. So I like it. I wanted to make some nice scenery and the little 24" square playing area is ideal for filling up with loads of cool stuff. It also has a collaboration mode where your warbands join forces to defeat the monsters that lurk in each scenario. You can buff this up with various mods to make it harder if you fancy a challenge. In terms of minis, anything goes, it's fun to roll up a bunch of dud...