Sludge raiders new recruit

I know I said my sludge raiders were finished, but I could not resist the lure of a power sword armed chieftain. The chieftain is such a devastating power play operative. Him and the Butcher are the two sharp points of a very nasty melee punch. 

The chieftain has the free ability Lead with strength that means when you activate him more than 6" from your drop zone and he has a blooded token, then he's counted as under the gaze of the gods. That's a free Crit every fight or shoot action. It's easy to get him over 6" away with a Move and a Dash. 

I always stick my initial blooded token on the chieftain and I make sure he's shielded by a adjacent grunt so he's safe from shooting. The pre game stimm to give Relentless makes this dude a proper killer. There's no reason to put him on Engage in TP1 so keep him safe.

TP2 starts and he's UTGOTG on activation, Moment of Repute will give him another AP so he can Shoot with the laspistol getting at least one free Crit (Overcharge lasguns can help here too) and then he Charges in landing a free Crit again. Most 9W enemies are dead with one strike unless the lasgun Crit is saved. The Lethal 5+ on the sword and Relentless from the stimm give you a great chance of having 2 Crits too. Keep the medic nearby for a wound heal if you do take a hit.

You need to be really careful that he doesn't get Charged, as most melee weapons will take him out in two hits. Always give him the 6+ fnp as soon as possible. Do not take him for games against the Bro Bros as they ALWAYS activagte first, he's a sitting duck. Take the plasm pistol...

If you managed to grab another couple of blooded tokens on TP1 (tricky I know) then your Butcher is sitting with a free melee Crit too...

Anyhow, I'm looking forward to getting this dude into action and slicing some skulls.

The pics... Mini from Knucklebones miniatures with a GW Scion sword hand grafted on.

I've been playing blooded in tournaments for a while now and I've really shifted to a melee focussed horde teams. I rarely take the ogryn or the enforcer. The four GA2 dudes are essential for Loot, they provide quality support for Dirty fighters and they are a bullet sponge for your butcher, bomber and chieftain.

Blooded shooting is pretty rubbish with almost everything rolling 4's, so don't rely on it. Overcharge lasguns can help scratch damage the enemy. A great tactic is to use two GA2 troopers to Shoot and Charge. This locks up two enemies and, if you're lucky, can take a couple of wounds off on the way in and set up a quality Dirty Fighters melee. A butcher going into supported melee with UTGOTG active is going to kill pretty much any operative at all. 

Get bloody, have some fun.


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