2024 almost done

I keep a log of my painting through the year, and in 2024 I've managed to get over 200 done That doesn't count a bunch of large pieces of terrain and boards I've painted as I'm not sure how to add those up in terms of "figures".
My Kill Team mojo dropped off a bit this year as the new edition killed off a lot of my desire to buy and paint new teams. I've ended up getting back into Saga and some lovely indie games like Necropolis28, Turnip28, Forbidden psalm and Last war.

qty - figures - system
3 warmaster rat swarms warmaster
2 Skeleton Swordsmen Necropolis28
1 Book familiar Necropolis28
1 Blooded Chieftain Kill team
4 Saxon Spears Saga
3 Blooded tokens Kill team
3 Ghosts Necropolis28
1 bat swarm Necropolis28
2 Skeleton archers Necropolis28
1 Bastard Turnip28
2 Elves Kill team
1 Objective Necropolis28
1 BD terrain Kill team
1 trophy bolter Kill team
5 Tatty troopers Turnip28
1 Beast Forbidden Psalm
10 Mandrakes Kill team
7 graves Forbidden Psalm
6 chickens Forbidden Psalm
3 ducks Forbidden Psalm
12 Anglo Saxon archers saga
6 town buildings Forbidden Psalm
14 Ghouls Forbidden Psalm
8 morka porkas Forbidden Psalm
3 corpse markers Forbidden Psalm
1 grave stone icon Forbidden Psalm
5 warband dudes Forbidden Psalm
6 blood demons Forbidden Psalm
1 blooded chieftain Kill team
4 Skeletons axes etc forbidden Psalm
1 well forbidden Psalm
1 Wendigo forbidden Psalm
5 Goblin holes forbidden Psalm
2 grisly trophies forbidden Psalm
1 pond forbidden Psalm
1 giant spider forbidden Psalm
3 spider swarms forbidden Psalm
1 Toff Turnip28
12 Fodder Turnip28
1 Knight hospitaller Saga
4 Skirmishers Turnip28
13 Knight hospitaller fatigue tokens saga
25 Knight Hospitaller knights saga
2 rabbits forbidden psalm 
1 Toady Turnip28
1 blooded chieftain kill team 
2 rats forbidden psalm 
8 bone piles Necropolis28 
2 Trucks Last war
2 Trench maggots Last War.
4 Mud Ghouls Last War


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